Sunday 8 March 2009

To get it or not to get it

Before any change can take place in whatever circumstance you find yourself, the first thing that needs to happen is to be honest about what it is that you are dealing with. If you are a salesperson who’s sales are down, the first thing that you need to do is to get it that your sales are down. If you don’t get that you will never be in a position to change that and bring them back up again. You need to be able to see that something needs to, or can be changed before anything will happen. If you are sitting there with pencil and paper there is no point what so ever in dreaming about that amazing oil painting or water colour masterpiece. What ever you create will be with a pencil. If you want to do the water colour, then getting it that this will not happen with a pencil enables you to change that and get some paint that will do what you want. Just because there are seemingly limiting circumstances in front of you does not mean that you can’t achieve what you want, it just means that you have to be aware of what you need to change in order to bring about the creating you have in mind. You will of course continue to create more of the same until you do ‘get it’ and make some changes (and in most cases they are small) in order to create something different.

To learn more about creativity and how it can change your life for the better CLICK HERE